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New Student Registration and Enrollment Information

Incoming 9th and New Students to Woodside HS 
2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR 

Incoming_9th_and_New_Students_to_Woodside_HS REGISTRATION_INFORMATION 2024-2025_SCHOOL_YEAR   icon
Incoming 9th and New Students to Woodside HS 
2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR 

Welcome to Woodside High School! We are looking forward to having you and your student join us next year as part of the Wildcat community.  In order for us to provide a smooth transition for your student, we have provided a list of documentation needed for Online Registration and a timeline of events for you to follow in order to successfully register your student.  
1. Gather all your documents (please upload or scan images from original documents):
Household Information: address & phone numbers  
Parent/Legal Guardian (court-appointed) information: valid ID, phone numbers, email addresses 
Student Information: Birth Certificate/passport, Immunizations/health/medication information, IEP/504, etc. 
Emergency Contacts: Full names, phone numbers 
Transcript from former School (if 10th-12th grade)
2. Go to and click on online registration:
    Make sure you pick the correct school year you are enrolling for next year.
3. Complete Online Registration Process (OLR). This is normally a 25-minute process.
4. Optional: Open Enrollment (Oct. 15- Feb 1):  In the OLR, under the student tab, there will be an  
     option to select open enrollment and the school you wish to attend. 
Click here for Online Registration
Transfer Options
Want your student to request a transfer to a school other than the one assigned by your home address? If so, submit an Open Enrollment request when completing OLR.

To ensure the district can properly plan to serve all students in 2023-24, please pay close attention to the
following Online Registration deadlines:
Requesting Open Enrollment? 
Deadline to Submit OLR
Yes:  a school other than the one assigned by your home address
February 1, 2023
No: attending assigned home school
April 28, 2023
If you have any questions or need assistance completing the OLR please contact: 
Online Registration:
Juan Ramirez, Ext. 22395 or (English & Español)
Merced Ruiz, Ext. 22209 or (English & Español)
Open Enrollment:
Cynthia Guerra, Ext. 22211 or (English & Español)