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WASC Visit Feb 10, 11, 12

Welcome to Woodside High School

Field Day 2024 - M. Strathdee

Field Day 2024 - M. Strathdee

Field Day 2024 Photo by A. Campbell

Field Day 2024 Photo by A. Campbell

Field Day 2024 Photo by A. Campbell

Field Day 2024 Photo by A. Campbell

WASC VISIT FEB. 10, 11, 12

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WASC VISIT FEB. 10, 11, 12

We are excited to share with you that Woodside High School will be hosting a WASC (Western Association of Schools and
Colleges) Visiting Committee from February 9-12. This is an important event for our school, and we wanted to share some
key details with you.
The Visiting Committee consists of six dedicated volunteers from other California schools. During their time with us, they
will celebrate, confirm, and reflect with our school community on student achievement of the schoolwide learner outcomes
and the academic standards. This process is essential to our ongoing accreditation, which ensures that our school meets
high standards of educational quality and continuous improvement.
Here are a few highlights of the visit:
What is WASC? The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is an organization that accredits schools and colleges.
Accreditation is required for schools to maintain their status and ensures that we meet rigorous academic and institutional
standards. Woodside High School’s last WASC visit was six years ago.
What to Expect: Students will likely see one or more of the six Visiting Committee members on campus. Some students
may even be invited to share their experiences during a lunch meeting or class visit. All classrooms will be observed at
least once during the three-day visit.
The school will be following a "Wednesday Schedule" on February 10, 11, and 12. We encourage everyone to review the
schedule here for more detailed information. Please let us know if you have any questions or if there’s anything we can
do to help prepare for this important event.
Thank you for your continued support in making Woodside High School a place of excellence
Para los padres:
Estamos emocionados de compartir con ustedes que Woodside High School será la anfitriona de un comité visitante de
WASC (Asociación Occidental de Escuelas y Colegios) del 9 al 12 de febrero. Este es un evento importante para
nuestra escuela, y queríamos compartir algunos detalles clave con ustedes.
El Comité Visitante está formado por seis voluntarios dedicados de otras escuelas de California. Durante su tiempo con
nosotros, celebrarán, confirmarán y reflexionarán con nuestra comunidad escolar sobre el logro estudiantil de los
resultados de aprendizaje en toda la escuela y los estándares académicos. Este proceso es esencial para nuestra
acreditación continua, lo que garantiza que nuestra escuela cumpla con altos estándares de calidad educativa y mejora
Estos son algunos de los aspectos más destacados de la visita:
¿Qué es WASC? La Asociación Occidental de Escuelas y Colegios es una organización que acredita escuelas y colegios.
La acreditación es necesaria para que las escuelas mantengan su estatus y garantiza que cumplimos con rigurosos
estándares académicos e institucionales. La última visita de WASC de Woodside High School fue hace seis años.
Qué esperar: Es probable que los estudiantes vean a uno o más de los seis miembros del comité visitante en la escuela.
Algunos estudiantes incluso pueden ser invitados a compartir sus experiencias durante un almuerzo, una reunión o una
visita a la clase. Todos los salones de clase serán observados al menos una vez durante la visita de tres días.
La escuela seguirá un "horario de miércoles" los días 10, 11 y 12 de febrero. Animamos a todos a revisar el calendario
aquí para  obtener información más detallada. Por favor, háganos saber si tiene alguna pregunta o si hay algo que
podamos hacer para ayudar a prepararse para este importante evento.
¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo para hacer de Woodside High School un lugar de excelencia.
Hall of Fame Nomination 

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Hall of Fame Nomination 

Nominations for the 2024-25 WHS Hall of Fame are being accepted until February 21st, 2025. The recipient(s) will be honored at one of the Spring Musical Performance evenings in the PAC in March.


Unfortunately, due to lack of ticket sales the decision has been made to cancel the 2025 Winter Dance. 

Those who have purchased a ticket will be issued a refund. Refunds will be distributed out of D7 during lunch time and after school from Monday February 3 till Friday February 7. Students will need to bring their printed ticket receipt. Funds that are not refunded will be donated to the General Student Activities fund. 

Those who purchased a ticket with cash will be given a cash refund. Those who paid by credit card will be issued a refund back to their card. 

If you paid by Credit Card please be prepared to give the last 4 digits on the card. If you paid by Apple Pay, please provide the four digit Device Account Number. This number is NOT the same as the last four numbers of the credit card. 

As the semester progresses, we look forward to upcoming events at Woodside High School, like our final Friday Night Quad basketball games in the large gym on Friday, January 31 and the Junior/Senior Prom on April 26 at Lake Chalet. 

Thank you for supporting Student Activities.
Desafortunadamente, debido a la falta de venta de entradas, se tomó la decisión de cancelar el Baile de Invierno de 2025. 

Aquellos que hayan comprado un boleto recibirán un reembolso. Los reembolsos se distribuirán fuera del D7 durante la hora del almuerzo y después de clases desde el lunes 3 de febrero hasta el viernes 7 de febrero. Los estudiantes deberán traer su recibo de boleto. Los fondos que no sean reembolsados ​​se donarán al fondo General de Actividades Estudiantiles. 

Aquellos que compraron un boleto en efectivo recibirán un reembolso en efectivo. Aquellos que pagaron con tarjeta de crédito recibirán un reembolso en su tarjeta. 

Si pagó con tarjeta de crédito, esté preparado para proporcionar los últimos 4 dígitos de la tarjeta. Si le pagan mediante Apple Pay, proporcione el número de cuenta del dispositivo de cuatro dígitos. Este número NO es el mismo que los últimos cuatro números de la tarjeta de crédito. 

A medida que avanza el semestre, esperamos con ansias los próximos eventos en Woodside High School, como nuestro último juego de baloncesto este viernes 31, por la noche en el gimnasio grande. El baile de graduación será para estudiantes de tercer y cuarto año el 26 de abril en Lake Chalet. 

Gracias por apoyar las actividades estudiantiles.
CLASS of 2026 FUNDRAISER - Valentine Grams

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CLASS of 2026 FUNDRAISER - Valentine Grams

Support the current Juniors as they work to raise funds to offset the cost of Prom. Purchase a Valentine Teddy Gram. that will be delivered to individuals. Please go to this form to make a purchase. The last day to make a purchase is February 12. 

Prom 2025 Donation

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WHS Basketball

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WHS Basketball

The Wildcats will continue hosting league basketball games this week in the large gym. The Boys Basketball team will be hosting two weekday games this week, Tuesday Jan 28 vs M-A and Wednesday Jan 29 vs Half Moon Bay. JV plays at 4:30pm and Varsity is at 6:00pm. On Friday, January 31, Woodside will its last Friday night quad games. The theme for the game will be Snowed In and everyone is encouraged to wear WHITE. 
Please remember that tickets are required for all home games. Tickets can be purchased online at Go Fan, please use the link
Do you need to add some new WHS gear, then check out the ABO Store.
Woodside High School is happy to have the basketball season return this winter. As we prepare to host basketball games once again on campus, we would like to remind everyone of some key points. 
Woodside’s motto is “Promote, don’t demote,” we want to cheer on our students but not at the expense of anyone else. Woodside is happy to be good hosts to all guests who come on our campus. 
All games are played in the large gym. Everyone is to purchase a ticket. Tickets are sold at both entrances into the gym. On the side closest to the H wing, tickets are typically sold in the ticket booth. People will then bring their ticket into the lobby. Those who have purchased an ABO season pass are to check in at the table located inside the lobby. People are also encouraged to purchase tickets through the Go Fan app at  
Tickets are sold for both JV and Varsity Boys and Girls teams. Ticket Pricing: General Admission $10, Students with $5, People 60+ $5, Children 6-12 (K-8) $5, Children 5 and under are Free
When purchasing a ticket, please note that cash is preferred. We are currently limited to selling tickets with a credit card and will need to charge a processing fee. Cash helps the line keep moving. CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. The money raised through the gate goes into the general student body funds which supports ALL students on campus.
There are no assigned seats at the game. For weekday games, only one side of the bleachers will be pulled out. For the three QUAD games, both sides of the bleachers will be pulled out. Traditionally the students sit in the student section or The Wildside which opposite from the team bench. 
We encourage people to avoid going in and out of the gym. Adults who need to step out must get a wristband to re-enter. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN AND OUT PRIVILEGES. If a student leaves the gym, they will need to re-purchase a ticket to re-enter. Students are not to bring backpacks and filled water bottles with them. 
A concession area is located in the foyer and will be open on Friday Quad games only. The concessions are overseen by the Junior class students and parent group.
We look forward to cheering on all the students athletes. Everyone is encouraged to wear WHS attire. If you don’t have any, please visit our Athletic Booster Organization website to order some items. 


All students will reserve a graduation unit (cap, gown and tassel) at NO COST! Please go to the link or scan the QR code. Families who are interested in purchasing graduation announcements and class rings should mark the boxes at the end of the form.
¡Todos los estudiantes reservarán una unidad de graduación (birrete, toga y borla) SIN COSTO! Por favor, ingrese al enlace o escanee el código QR. Las familias que estén interesadas en comprar anuncios de graduación y anillos de clase deben marcar las casillas al final del formulario.
Reserve Cap and Gown 2025


Juniors and Seniors are allowed to purchase a school parking pass. In order to make the purchase, all required forms must be turned in. Passes are sold on a first come basis for $50. 
At Wildcat Welcome Day on Tuesday, August 13 during the Junior/Senior time ONLY, there will be a station set up for students to submit their required paperwork and to pay for the parking pass. Students must bring their OWN COPIES of the the required forms. We will NOT be able to make copies for anyone. 
Required Forms
PTSA-Buy a Brick

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PTSA-Buy a Brick

Leave a legacy with this great gift for Woodside High School students, past and present, or to thank a special teacher or staff member. For $150, your personalized brick will be placed on the entrance walkway in front of the administration building, a permanent part of the landscape at Woodside High School.
To purchase, use this link:
Email Naomi at
Buy a Brick
ABO Crab Feed

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ABO Crab Feed

Tickets to the February 8, Woodside High Annual Crab Feed are on sale now. Dungeness crab season is now OPEN in California and we can feed a maximum of 200 people. It will sell out. Purchase a ticket in advance for yourself, your friends, or Sponsor a Coach with a miracle ticket. Buy beverages in advance or at the event. Come for the Crab, Stay for the Community! Do you have items to donate for our raffle? Please contact Jennifer with any questions.                                                    
ABO Spirit Wear

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ABO Spirit Wear

Time to stock up on some new WHS spirit attire through the Athletic Booster Organization.
Please go to the online store and purchase items.
ABO Spirit Wear
Click Below to Buy Your 24-25 Yearbook

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Click Below to Buy Your 24-25 Yearbook

Yearbook Banner
Academic Assistance

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Varsity Tutors

Varsity Tutors is a free 24/7 online tutorial offered through the Sequoia Union High School District.
Varsity Tutor Varsity Tutor
Varsity Tutor-SpanishVarsity Tutor-Spanish


Tutorial is a time period built into the school day that allows students time to work on assignments, meet with teachers, and make up tests or quizzes. This time is dedicated to students to use for academic puposes. 
To learn more about how the tutorial program works, please click on this link
Tutorial Program
Prom 2025 Donation

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RWC Boys & Girls Club

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RWC Boys & Girls Club

The Boys and Girls Club has all kinds of programs to support you academically, socially, and vocationally. 
Click HERE for the application and information.
Welcome to Woodside High School

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Welcome to Woodside High School

Woodside High School is a fully accredited four-year comprehensive secondary school that has been serving the communities of the mid-peninsula since its opening in 1958. The 34-acre campus lies just east of the Santa Cruz Mountains and is one of four comprehensive campuses in the Sequoia Union High School District. The District’s total student population is
approximately 10,000.

The mid-peninsula is an area of great economic diversity containing some of the most affluent and the most economically deprived communities in the state. Just north of Silicon Valley and Stanford University, Woodside High School is influenced greatly by the rapidly evolving business and cultural interests of the region. Over the past half-century, Woodside High School has
emerged as one of the most dynamic and diverse comprehensive high schools on the San Francisco peninsula. We have been listed in Newsweek Magazine’s list of top high schools, and offer one of the most rigorous advanced placement college preparatory programs in the region.
Please review the most recent school profile to learn more. 

Upcoming Events

Upcoming_Events iconUpcoming Eventstitle

  • Holidays in United States
  • Woodside Activities
  • Woodside Athletics
  • Woodside Community
  • Woodside Academic Calendar
  • WS-Woodside-Master-Calendar
Weekly Wildcat Notes

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The Paw Print

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The Paw Print

    The Paw Print
Student Learning

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Polymer Lab in Chemistry Class

Goat Yoga

Students study wavelength of light

Goat Yoga

Group Presentations

AVID Students Working Together


I Am Woodside Video

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Course Catalog

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Announcements iconAnnouncementstitle

Why Sequoia Union High School District?

The mission of the Sequoia Union High School District is to engage and prepare all students to excel in a global society. The Sequoia Union High School District will provide a rigorous, engaging, and comprehensive instructional program with strong supports to prepare all students for high standards of academic achievement and future career opportunities.